Hiring is always hard. Hiring well is even harder. Really hard. One of our clients has finally committed to radically changing the way he hires and step one is the use of hiring tools such as DISC. Actually using the info from DISC is hard, too. Because the results often tell him something he …
Are You Popular?
This topic is often debated with fire and brimstone (what is brimstone?) And I seem to hold a minority opinion. Here it is: I absolutely believe that a manager can be both popular AND effective. There's an old saying; “management is not a popularity contest.” Au contraire, dear managers. It is a …
Making Great Hires
It’s time to play that really fun business game called “Making Great Hires.” Question: do you know that hiring well is the most important skill that a managers must do well? Answer: If yours is yes, then you will get all the money. Making great hires means: matching employees and new hires with …
Performance v. Presence
I don’t understand why some managers resist hiring talented people because they want some form of flex time. Or want to work from home. If you've already jumped on the flex bus, that’s the right thinking. Because in this economy (and forever more, most likely) you have to attract and keep talent in …
Are you Brand X?
Companies spend billions trying to create compelling brands. Jello. Kleenex. Hellmann’s Mayonnaise. People have brands, too, and as a manager you surely have a brand in the eyes of your employees. Whether you know it or not. I recently went to my official, well organized digital card storage file …
The Big Foam Finger
I think that every manager should go out and get one of those big foam fingers you see at sporting events. In the office, let’s call it the Flying Finger of Blame. There is an epidemic at the workplace called the blame game, where blaming someone/anyone/everyone else is now the norm. And it …