About RAPID Hiring
The single “best” hire I ever made turned out to be the “worst” hire I ever made.
It was an important hire; we needed the “perfect” person. On paper, I found him. He answered every question expertly; his knowledge was deep. Every challenge I threw at him, he had the perfect response. He was “it”…and he was expensive. I offered a signing bonus, a guarantee, and a contract. He said yes.
Within 60 days, the disconnect between his knowledge and his ability to deliver was not just alarming — it was fatal. He knew it all; but he wasn’t performing. He couldn’t do it. Nine months later, I let him go. It was a big financial setback… and we’d lost a year of progress. As a manager, there’s nothing worse than losing money. Except maybe losing time. I’d lost both.
The fault wasn’t his. It was mine. What I thought I knew about hiring had failed me. I didn’t really, truly know how to hire.
It was this worst hire that changed my own course as a manager, and it’s why I spent the next 30+ years of my management career helping others discover and embrace this truth:
The #1 skill for every manager is the ability to hire the right person for the right job.
There are many other skills that are incredibly important, but none play a bigger role in your success – or failure – than this.
And the managers who do it really well? They always have the advantage. But the sad truth is that very few managers are ever taught how to hire.

It’s what led to the creation of RAPID Hiring:
An incredibly simple method for managers who need to hire the right person for the right job, in any company or industry.
RAPID Hiring is the method that changes the game.
You want to get in shape — follow a workout plan at the gym. You want a delicious cake — follow a recipe. You want to navigate somewhere fast — use GPS.
For so many things in life, we follow a set of steps. We use methods to increase efficiency and improve the likelihood that we’ll get the outcome we want.
When it comes to something as critical as hiring the right person for the right job, why do managers place so little importance on using a method? Why do we make it harder than it has to be?
It takes the guesswork out of hiring and gives managers a five-step, repeatable method to use for every hire.
I’ve spent more than 30 years developing it. I’ve helped hundreds of managers use it. Simply put, I guarantee that after using it, you will become more more skilled — practically expert — at hiring the right person for the right job.

About Jake Karger
Jake Karger has 30 years of leadership, management and executive coaching experience. During the peak of her corporate career as a Senior VP in the radio industry, she was named General Manager of the Year on a national level. She was responsible for the management of 43 radio stations in New England, generating more than $100 million in revenue with a team of 500+ managers and employees.
Her own experience in management, along with the endless challenge of hiring the right people for the right jobs, led Jake to launch JUST TELL ME HOW TO MANAGE INC. and JUST TELL ME HOW TO HIRE INC. in 2006.
She is a recognized expert coach for executives, founders, CEO’s and managers, focused on changing behavior, hiring and most importantly, delivering results.
Jake attributes all of her success to a single factor: a relentless focus on hiring the right person for the right job.
Her work now is helping managers deliver results by learning the #1 skill most are never taught: how to hire.