Operating instructions come with every electronic item we buy. Even the simple stuff. The manual for an iron shows how to plug it into the wall. Flight attendants still show us how to insert the strap into the seatbelt clip. (Why do they still demonstrate that??) We might not read the …
change management
CEO Syndrome. Not Just for CEOs.
I’m the first to name this recent medical discovery and you read it here first, in the New England Journal of Crummy Management. Sadly, CEO Syndrome is most often diagnosed by others, long before the CEO has any idea that the disease has struck. The CEO will be very resistant to the diagnosis at …
Own The Yes
How many times did you say YES today? The kind of YES where you agreed to do something for somebody else? Maybe it was a small YES like agreeing to return a call. Maybe you promised to do a small favor or you gave your word to finish a project that’s already overdue. You’re the boss. When you say …